
How to Acquire Citizenship in Serbia

How to Acquire Citizenship in Serbia
In recent years, Serbian citizenship has become increasingly popular. There are numerous reasons for this, but beyond the current geopolitical tensions worldwide where possessing an additional passport can be highly practical, a Serbian passport offers Visa- free travel to 86 countries and is ranked as the 34th strongest passport globally according to Passport Index
Under the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian citizenship can be acquired by:
1. Descent
2. Birth on the territory of the Republic of Serbia
3. Naturalization
4. International agreements
Citizenship by descent and birth on Serbian soil is acquired through entry into the national birth registry, while citizenship by naturalization requires a formal decision issued by the Ministry of Interior following a prescribed procedure.
How to Acquire Citizenship in Serbia
I. Acquisition of Citizenship by Descent
A child can acquire Serbian citizenship by descent if:
− Both parents are Serbian citizens at the time of the child's birth
− One parent is a Serbian citizen, and the child is born on the territory of Serbia
− A child born abroad, whose one parent is a Serbian citizen and the other is unknown, stateless, or of unknown nationality.
If the child is born abroad and one parent is a Serbian citizen, they can acquire Serbian citizenship if the parent submits a request to the relevant Serbian authorities before the child turns 18. Adults born abroad with one Serbian parent can also apply for citizenship before they turn 23, provided they haven't already acquired Serbian citizenship.
II. Citizenship by Birth on Serbian Territory
A child born or found on Serbian territory can acquire Serbian citizenship if both parents are unknown, of unknown nationality, or stateless, or if the child would otherwise remain stateless.Such a child is considered a Serbian citizen from birth.
How to Acquire Citizenship in Serbia
III. Acquisition of Citizenship by Naturalization
Foreign nationals who have been granted permanent residence in Serbia can apply for Serbian citizenship if:
1. They are over 18 years of age
2. They have renounced or are willing to renounce their foreign citizenship;
3. They have had uninterrupted residence in Serbia for at least three years prior to the application;
4. They submit a written declaration affirming their intention to treat Serbia as their home country.
Certain exceptions apply for stateless individuals or those who prove they will lose their foreign citizenship upon acquiring Serbian citizenship. If a foreign state does not allow renunciation of citizenship or sets unattainable conditions for it, applicants may simply submit a declaration renouncing their foreign nationality.In cases where the foreign applicant’s renunciation of their previous citizenship is not possible or reasonable, they may still be allowed to retain their foreign citizenship.
Serbian law also allows individuals married to Serbian citizens for at least three years to apply for citizenship, provided they reside permanently in Serbia and submit a declaration of allegiance to Serbia.Moreover, Serbian citizenship can be granted to individuals whose acceptance is deemed to be in the interest of the Republic of Serbia. This provision is also extended to their spouses, although the law does not define what constitutes (interest to the Republic). So it would be beneficial to consult with a Serbian immigration lawyer on the specifics of this way of acquiring Serbian citizenship.
How to Acquire Citizenship in Serbia
IV: Citizenship by International Agreements
Serbian citizenship can also be acquired under ratified international agreements on the basis of reciprocity. However, this method is rare and mostly related to specific cases following the breakup of Yugoslavia.
Amendments to the Law on Citizenship
A new draft law has been introduced in the Serbian legislative process, proposing amendments and liberalization of the conditions for acquiring Serbian citizenship for certain categories of applicants. This will likely open doors for an even broader international audience seeking to obtain Serbian nationality.

Author: Kristijan Karan, attorney at law

September 7th,2024